FrontPage Extensions are system files which have to be available on a web server for particular features of sites made with Microsoft FrontPage to operate effectively. When these files aren't on the server, the Internet sites will still work, but with limited functionality and they will probably display errors from time to time. In addition, if your website hosting supplier has FrontPage Extensions on their servers, you will be able to publish your content straight from the application, eliminating the need to work with any third-party FTP client to upload files. All you have to do is to enter you website hosting account FTP details in the FrontPage settings and the program will do the rest. Future updates can be performed identically, which makes FrontPage a fantastic selection for people with minimum or no experience.
FrontPage Extensions in Cloud Web Hosting
You can build and upload your site using FrontPage, because all Linux cloud web hosting that we supply support FrontPage Extensions. Though quite a few other providers cease the support of this feature, we leave it to you to decide whether you will continue using FrontPage or you'll move to some other web design app and we have no plans for this to change. When you log in to your Hepsia Control Panel, that will be used to manage your brand new website hosting account, you can activate FrontPage extensions for any domain that you host or subdomain that you create with just 2 clicks. The feature will be activated right away and our system will include the FrontPage Extensions system files in the selected folder, so that you can proceed and upload your site files without any difficulty. In case you decide to switch to some other app for your website, deactivating FrontPage Extensions is just as simple.
FrontPage Extensions in Semi-dedicated Hosting
FrontPage Extensions is among the characteristics that are featured with our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. Unlike other web hosting providers, we have decided not to stop it and to leave the choice of website design application to you. FrontPage Extensions can be activated for a specific domain or subdomain, not for the account as a whole, which means that our system will place the needed system files just in the folder where you need them, while in other folders you can set up any script-driven app or use any other web design software for a site that will be either an addition to the main one or a standalone one. It'll take you a few clicks to activate FrontPage Extensions from the Hosted Domains area of the Hepsia Control Panel which comes with the semi-dedicated accounts and it is just as quick to deactivate them. When you use our website hosting services, you won't have to waste years of work in case you had hosted your site with some other company so far.